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Ride Local and Have A World of Fun -

Stay close to home and enjoy time with others who share your interest in cycling.

You Never Need to Ride Alone –

    Join riders who like to ride distances and speeds similar to yours.

Join the Metro’s Growing Cycling Movement –

     The pedestrian bridge, trail usage and bicycle commuting are all examples of a growing momentum for cycling.

Big Fun at Little Cost –

    Annual membership fees are $20 for individuals and $26 for families. And we have discounted fees for multi-    year memberships.

Roadside Assistance on Club Rides –

For official club rides, ride leaders make sure no riders are left behind.

We Work to Improve Cycling in Our Community –

We look for opportunities to partner with others to improve our cycling environment, our community and our health.

Classic Club Riding Events –

    “Classic” because these rides have endured over the years.  An example is the Magnolia Classic (started in 1989     which rides to Magnolia Iowa through the scenic Loess Hills.  Lunch is included!

Club Website and E-Newsletter –

Our club website and monthly electronic newsletters gives you online access to ride schedules, club news and other useful information.

Recreational Cycling with a Dash of Competition –

We have lots of recreational rides, and have added time trials to allow you to compete against others and       your  own personal best.

We Have a Long History and a Dedicated Core Membership –

The OPBC was founded in 1968 as an organization for promoting the interests of area cyclists.  Please join us for our 5th decade of riding!

"Ride and Smile Every Darn Day!" - Kelly Smith

"Bikes Rule, Cars Drule!" - Kelly Smith